Match Report

Red Cross
today's match is sponsored by Red Cross

Match Report

Match Report
An overcast sky looms overhead here at Carrow Road where Norwich City play Milton Keynes Dons in this league cup game. A crowd of 12,692 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
Norwich City are playing in a 4-3-3 formation while Milton Keynes Dons appear to be shaped for 3-4-3.

Norwich City kick off the first half!
Raffaele Scarpa knocks the ball forward to Clive Hibbs. Clive Hibbs shoots from outside the area but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
John Barry makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Jes Fredgaard. Jes Fredgaard surges forward with the ball. Jes Fredgaard knocks in a cross ball towards Gilles Neville. Gilles Neville is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but it is tipped over by Jón Vilhelm Vilhjálmsson.
Johan Lurling flicks the ball to his team mate, Clive Hibbs. Clive Hibbs knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by John Barry.
Ferry de Jong passes the ball forward to Gilles Neville. Gilles Neville knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Frederico Romero.
Jes Fredgaard barges into Raffaele Scarpa. The referee calls over Jes Fredgaard and shows him a yellow card! Raffaele Scarpa hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Isami Ito deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Clive Hibbs. Clive Hibbs lofts in a cross ball towards Bjorn-Tore Bohinen. Bjorn-Tore Bohinen directs the ball goalwards with his head. The ball dips under the bar and into the back of the net. Goal!!
Johan Lurling kicks a strong pass forward to Richard Philippe. Richard Philippe finds some space and shoots from distance but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Milton Keynes Dons are easily keeping Norwich City at bay, but can't capitalise on it.
Steve Weir brings the ball forward. Steve Weir knocks the ball to his team mate, Gilles Neville. Gilles Neville shoots from distance but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Malte Behrens hacks Gian Paolo Belotti from behind! Malte Behrens is given a warning by the referee! Gian Paolo Belotti gets up, but that knock is affecting his game.
Lars Overath kicks a strong pass forward to Richard Philippe. Richard Philippe controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal. Richard Philippe scores for Milton Keynes Dons!!
Anthony Sinclair flicks the ball to his team mate, Marcus Ferdinand. Marcus Ferdinand whips in a cross ball towards Malte Behrens. Malte Behrens connects with the ball, driving a powerful header at goal but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Francisco Siri Ayala passes the ball forward to Isami Ito. Isami Ito makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Bjorn-Tore Bohinen. Bjorn-Tore Bohinen shoots from 25 yards but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
The first half ends with the referee blowing his whistle!

The second half starts with Milton Keynes Dons kicking off!
Ferry de Jong controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Gilles Neville. Gilles Neville kicks a strong pass forward to Marcus Ferdinand but the referee indicates it's offside!
Jes Fredgaard makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Marcus Ferdinand. Marcus Ferdinand shoots from outside the area but it curls horrendously wide!
Anthony Sinclair flicks the ball to his team mate, Marcus Ferdinand. Marcus Ferdinand controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Francisco Siri Ayala knocks the ball forward to Johan Lurling. Johan Lurling sees a break and surges forward. Johan Lurling whips in a cross ball towards Richard Philippe. Richard Philippe is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
Raffaele Scarpa makes a probing pass to Bjorn-Tore Bohinen. Bjorn-Tore Bohinen shoots from 20 yards but it curls horrendously wide!
Raffaele Scarpa kicks a strong pass forward to Richard Philippe. Richard Philippe lofts in a cross ball towards Clive Hibbs. Clive Hibbs powers a header at goal but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Ferry de Jong makes a simple pass to Malte Behrens. Malte Behrens shoots from outside the area but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Isami Ito makes a simple pass to Richard Philippe. Richard Philippe shoots from distance but it is miles over!
Ferry de Jong chips the ball to his team mate, Gilles Neville. Gilles Neville whips in a cross ball towards Marcus Ferdinand. Marcus Ferdinand directs the ball goalwards with his head. Jón Vilhelm Vilhjálmsson manages to gather it comfortably.
Raffaele Scarpa threads the ball through to Clive Hibbs. Clive Hibbs knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Lars Overath sees a break and surges forward. Lars Overath shoots from outside the area but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Johan Lurling kicks a strong pass forward to Richard Philippe. Richard Philippe knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Steve Weir.
The referee whistles full-time!

The man of the match was awarded to Richard Philippe of Milton Keynes Dons

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 0 vs 2
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 2 vs 2
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 5 vs 8
Offsides: 2 vs 0
Fouls: 2 vs 0
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 50.7246376811594 vs 49.2753623188406
Play Area
Home team third: 34.78%, Midfield: 44.93%, Away team third: 20.29%